EdTech Japan to the World
Building the Future of Education.
「EdTech (Education×Technology)」による教育改革は、世界的なムーブメントになっています。
“EdTech (Education x Technology)” has become a global trend to innovate education all over the world. In the education sector, there are great products and services born in foreign countries. Our purpose is to promote Japanese EdTech to the world through various activities such as having speaking sessions at international conferences, supporting Japanese attendees of exhibitions at major education events and hosting pitch contests.
SXSWedu 2016 Industry Hub
Industry Hubでの登壇シーン。日本のEdTechの現状や将来性についてパネルディスカッション形式で議論が交わされた。
Panel discussion at the Industry Hub of SXSWedu 2016. We discussed the current trend and future of education technology in Japan.
SXSWedu 2016 EXPO
EXPOに出展する「Life is Tech!」。中高生も大人も、いつでも、どこでも、
Life is Tech!, a Japanese edtech startup who provides programming schools, attended SWSWedu 2016’s EXPO. They demonstrated their new product, MOZER, which enables any leaners in any age range to study programming from scratch.
SXSWedu 2016 EXPO
Sakawa, one of the leading blackboard makers in Japan, attended SWSWedu 2016’s EXPO. They showcased their innovative product, Kocri, a hybrid blackboard app which helps teachers and students be more interactive in classroom.
SXSWedu 2016 EXPO
Code Takt, an edtech startup in Japan, attended SWSWedu 2016’s EXPO. They demonstrated their real time LMS which makes collaborative environment in classroom.
SXSWedu 2016 EXPO
Group photo at SXSWedu 2016’s EXPO.
SXSWeduは、SXSW Musicを含むカンファレンスやフェスティバルを運営するSouthwest®(SXSW®)による関連イベントです。SXSWedu からスタートするSXSWは、オースティンの街全体を巻き込んで、Music 、FilmやInteractiveといったイベントを1ヶ月近く開催しています。
https://www.sxswedu.com/About SXSWedu
The SXSWedu® Conference & Festival fosters innovation in learning by hosting a diverse and energetic community of stakeholders from a variety of backgrounds in education. The four-day event affords registrants open access to engaging sessions, interactive workshops, hands on learning experiences, film screenings, early stage startups and a host of networking opportunities. By providing a platform for collaboration, SXSWedu works to promote creativity and social change.
SXSWedu is a component of the South by Southwest® (SXSW®) family of conferences and festivals that includes SXSW Music, Film and Interactive; SXSW Eco and SXSW V2V. Internationally recognized as the convergence gathering for the creative arts, SXSWedu extends SXSW’s support for the art of engagement beyond musicians, filmmakers and new media innovators to include society’s true rock stars: educators!
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